International Journal on Consulting Psychology for Patients
Volume 1, No. 1, 2017, pp 9-14 | ||
Abstract |
Effects of Mindfulness Meditation Program on the physiological sign and depression in Breast Cancer Patients in Korea
The object of this study was to assess the effects of the mindfulness based stress reduction (MBSR) program on blood pressure, and depression in breast cancer survivors. This was a quasi-experimental study with a non-equivalent control group pre-post test design. A convenience sample of eligible breast cancer survivors enrolled after giving informed consent. Fifty breast cancer survivors who had completed breast cancer treatment (25 for experimental group, 25 for control group) participated in this study. The MBSR group conducted in 8-week MBSR program for 3 hours per 1 session on 1week. Data were analyzed using SPSS program x 2 -test and t-test for subject homogeneity verification, and ANCOVA to examine the hypotheses. The MBSR group had significantly lower scores for blood pressure, depression compared to the non MBSR group. In summary, MBSR is a program that is feasible for breast cancer survivors and the results provide preliminary evidence of beneficial effects of MBSR on physiological sign as blood pressure. According to the results, Mindfulness Meditation program was useful for decreasing the Depression. Therefore, this program was an effective nursing intervention to decrease the physiological sign and psychological symptom of the breast cancer patients. MBSR program seems to require more than one year long-term follow-up study in order to know the effect on immune globulin A.